1. Provide highly personalized service to residents and clients
2. Optimize operating cash flow
3. Maintain asset condition and quality
4. Maximize long term asset value
For Investors:
As a professional in your investment area, perhaps, Portfolio Property Management can help to alleviate some of the headaches that often accompany the ownership of property, which is away from your direct supervision. Our company will be able to assist you with rental problems by offering different management procedures, as well as, developing individual property plans to meet your expectations of the property. Click here
to view our Resume of Properties Managed.
We shall endeavor to provide these professional services, to include but not be limited to the following:
Enhance the value of the property by preservation of the existing income stream or minimizing the loss.
Evaluate and provide recommendations as to the improvement of the property’s functional and visual esthetic’s.
Provide for an annual evaluation of the property’s income and expense status as comparable to other like properties.
Provide 24-hour contact person and implementation of plan for the property.
Provide accurate records on a monthly basis of received income and expense disbursement as stipulated in the terms of the Management Agreement (i.e. taxes, mortgage, insurance, utilities, maintenance items, and/or vendor contracts).
Monitor and oversee outside vendor contract work.
Provide supervision of all maintenance work performed so as to maintain the professional appearance of the property.
Provide the resource to improve Landlord/Tenant relationship. In the event a dispute should arise, mitigate said dispute.
Understanding that no two properties are identical and specific needs will be required of Owners, the following is a representation of the professional service we provide:
Evaluate and establish rental rates for the specific property by utilizing the most current and comprehensive market surveys.
Provide suggestions to improve property appeal and attraction.
Post signs and other efforts to advertise and acknowledge availability of property.
Tenant screening, including criminal background check.
Prepare and administer lease agreements, Rather they are a month-to-month agreement or a fixed-term lease.
Collect required rent and security deposit prior to giving possession.
Supervision will be provide for construction and remodeling of leased space at a fee provided for in the Management Agreement.
Upon completion of lease agreements, all outstanding invoices, repairs, and/or expenses are reconciled. Remaining funds are forwarded to owner.
For Tenants:
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Portfolio Property Management has an answering service for all after hour calls. in case of emergency, please call (661) 281-3980, and the answering service will contact a member of our team immediately.
Contact Us
4420 Easton Drive Suite #101
Bakersfield, CA 93309
T: (661) 328-9040
F: (661) 431-1410
E: info@portfolioproperties.com
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