Our Team


Mary Sawyer, CCIM

CEO, Designated Realtor

Phone: (661) 282-2246

Toll Free: (866) 282-9041

Fax: (661) 431-1409

Email: MSawyer@PortfolioProperties.com

DRE #: 00865779

Ms. Sawyer is the CEO of Real Estate Cashflow Network, the Broker of Portfolio Properties, Portfolio Funding and Portfolio Property Management Companies. She also is managing member of Synergy Development Company.She has offices and clients in numerous California cities including Bakersfield, Fresno, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Ventura and La Jolla and does business throughout the United States selling investment real estate. She also takes clients into new emerging markets across the United States through their network of CCIM brokers.
Richard Bowen, CPA
Phone: (661) 431-1500
Toll Free: (866) 282-9041
Fax: (661) 431-1414
Richard Bowen brings more than 10 years of accounting experience to the table, to serve Portfolio clients. He is the owner of ‘Bowen Accounting, Tax, and Consulting’. With expertise in accounting, tax, accounting, trust fund management, budgeting, and managing cash flows, his skills are uniquely suited for property management accounting.When it comes to getting to the bottom line with regards to your financial statements, revenues, and other reporting, Richard Bowen is the man to call.
Daniel Holt

Daniel Holt

Broker Associate, Realtor

Phone: (661) 431-1406

Toll Free: (866) 282-9041

Fax: (661) 431-1409

Email: Daniel@PortfolioProperties.com

DRE#: 01732002

Lorena Espinoza

Lorena Velasquez

Chief Operations Officer, VP Property Management, Realtor

Phone:  (661) 431-1404

Toll Free: (866) 282-9041

Fax: (661) 431-1409

Email: Lorena@portfolioproperties.com

DRE#: 01960757

Diana Cummings

Diana Cummings

Bookkeeper, Property Manager, Realtor

Phone: (661) 431-1406

Toll Free: (866) 282-9041

Fax: (661) 431-1409

Email: Diana@portfolioproperties.com

DRE#: 01798936

Contact Us

4420 Easton Drive Suite #101
Bakersfield, CA 93309
T: (661) 328-9040
F: (661) 431-1410
E: info@portfolioproperties.com

Contact Us


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